ICDIP 2021
ICDIP 2021
The 13th
International Conference on Digital Image Processing
(ICDIP 2021) was held virtually during May
20-23, 2021 due to the continue COVID-19 disruption.
20-23 May 2021 | Singapore (Virtual)
ICDIP 2021 was scholarly supported by Gifu
University, Japan; University of Poitiers, France;
University of New Hampshire, USA.
Sixteen renowned scholars from Australia, China,
Japan, Singapore, The Netherlands, UK and USA
delivered the keynote speeches and invited speeches
about the state-of-the-art research in their areas
of expertise. In addition, thirteen parallel
technical sessions were successfully conducted with
the efforts of the session chairs and presenters.
At the awards and closing ceremony, two best papers
and thirteen best presenters were announced.
20-23 May 2021 | Singapore (Virtual)

ISBN: 9781510646001
ISBN: 9781510646018 (electronic)
SPIE Digital Library
Ei Compendex |
CPCI (Web of Science)
Conference Chairs & Keynote Speakers IEEE Fellow Gifu University, Japan IEEE Fellow IEEE Fellow IEEE Fellow
Prof. Xudong Jiang
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Prof. Hiroshi Fujita
Prof. Kot Chichung, Alex
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Prof. Jianfei Cai
Monash University, Australia
Prof. Karen Ann Panetta
Tufts University, USA
Invited Speakers Georgia Southern University, USA The University of Sheffield, UK Deakin University, Australia Shenzhen University, China Shandong Normal University, China University of Buckingham, UK
Prof. Hong Zhang
Prof. Lyudmila Mihaylova
Prof. Chang-Tsun Li
Prof. Linlin Shen
Prof. Jiande Sun
Prof. Sabah A. Jassim

Assoc. Prof. Binjie Qin
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Assoc. Prof. Peiquan Jin
University of Science and Technology of China, China

Assoc. Prof. Justin Dauwels
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Assoc. Prof. Qian Huang
Hohai University, China

Assoc. Prof. Tsujiai Hidekazu
University of Toyama, Japan

Assoc. Prof. Daisuke Miyazaki
Hiroshima City University, Japan
Awards Ceremony General Chair Best Paper Best Paper
Prof. Ji Wu
Tsinghua University, China
Paper Title: Find it if You Can: End-to-End Adversarial Erasing for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
Authors: Erik Stammes, Tom F.H. Runia, Michael Hofmann, Mohsen Ghafoorian
Paper Title: Ceramic Image Retrieval Method based on HSH-SIFT fusion Features
Authors: Yongkang Peng, Jinjing Ma, Wenfang Cheng, Yu Nie

Session 1-Session Chair
Prof. Wenbing Tao
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Session 1-Best Presenter
Xiaolu Ren
Waseda University, Japan

Session 2-Session Chair
Assoc. Prof. Qian Huang
Hohai University, China

Session 2-Best Presenter
Jiarong Chen
Tsinghua University, China

Session 3-Session Chair
Prof. Christine Fernandez-Maloigne
University of Poitiers, France

Session 3-Best Presenter
Patricia O'Byrne
Technological University Dublin, Ireland

Session 4-Session Chair
Prof. Linlin Shen
Shenzhen University, China

Session 4-Best Presenter
Zhihui Wang
Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China

Session 5-Session Chair
Prof. Chris Pollett
San Jose State University, USA

Session 5-Best Presenter
Togzhan Barakbayeva
Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan

Session 6-Session Chair
Prof. Yuri Rzhanov
University of New Hampshire, USA

Session 6-Best Presenter
Bhuvan Mittal
University of North Texas, USA

Session 7-Session Chair
Prof. Krzysztof Koszela
Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland

Session 7-Best Presenter
Csaba Olasz
University of Szeged, Hungary

Session 8-Session Chair
Prof. Lyudmila Mihaylova
The University of Sheffield, UK

Session 8-Best Presenter
Maciej Zaborowicz
Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland

Session 9-Session Chair
Prof. Yannick Berthoumieu
University of Bordeaux, France

Session 9-Best Presenter
Nirmal S. Nair
University of Kerala, India

Session 10-Session Chair
Prof. Maciej Zaborowicz
Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland

Session 10-Best Presenter
Pedro Furtado
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

Session 11-Session Chair
Prof. Mrinal Mandal
University of Alberta, Canada

Session 11-Best Presenter
Chanjira Sinthanayothin
National Science and Technology Development Agency, Thailand

Session 12-Session Chair
Prof. Hong Zhang
Georgia Southern University, USA

Session 12-Best Presenter
Wenhao Sun
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Session 13-Session Chair
Prof. Sabah Jassim
University of Buckingham, UK

Session 13-Best Presenter
Mohd Shah Rizal Samsudin
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia