ICDIP 2020
ICDIP 2020
The 12th
International Conference on Digital Image Processing
(ICDIP 2020) was held virtually during May
19-22, 2020 due to the worldwide eruption of
19-22 May 2020 | Osaka, Japan (Virtual)
ICDIP 2020 was technically supported by University
of Leeds, UK; Tufts University, USA; Gifu
University, Japan; University of New Hampshire, USA;
University of Bordeaux, France; Poznan University of
Technology, Poland; Poznan University of Life
Sciences, Poland; and Polish Society for IT
Applications in Agriculture, Forestry and Food,
This conference lasted for four days. The first day
was for online registration and testing. The second
day had 3 keynote speeches and 2 parallel sessions.
Conference chair Prof. Xudong Jiang from Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore delivered the
opening at the beginning. Then we were
honored to have excellent keynote speakers to give
us talks in the morning. They were Prof. Karen
Panetta, IEEE Fellow from Tufts University, USA;
Prof. Hong Yan, IEEE Fellow from City University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China; and Prof. Hiroshi Fujita from
Gifu University, Japan. In the third day, we had 2
parallel sessions in the morning and 4 exciting
keynote and invited speeches in the afternoon, given
by Prof. Alejandro F Frangi, IEEE Fellow & SPIE
Fellow from University of Leeds, UK; Prof. Kot
Chichung, Alex, IEEE Fellow from Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore; Prof. Keisuke
Goda, SPIE Fellow from University of Tokyo, Japan;
and Prof. Yannick Berthoumieu from University of
Bordeaux, France. The rest 5 parallel sessions were
held on the fourth day.
One best presentation was selected
from each parallel session, evaluated from: Applicability,
Originality, Significance, Visual Aids, Delivery and
Timeliness. Totally 9 best presentations were selected.
19-22 May 2020 | Osaka, Japan (Virtual)
ISBN: 9781510638457
ISBN: 9781510638464 (electronic)
SPIE Digital Library
Ei Compendex |
Scopus |
CPCI (Web of Science)
Conference Chairs & Keynote Speakers Nanyang Technological University, Singapore IEEE Fellow & SPIE Fellow IEEE Fellow IEEE Fellow IEEE Fellow SPIE Fellow
Prof. Xudong Jiang
Prof. Alejandro F Frangi
University of Leeds, UK
Prof. Kot Chichung, Alex
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Prof. Karen Ann Panetta
Tufts University, USA
Prof. Hong Yan
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Prof. Keisuke Goda
University of Tokyo, Japan

Prof. Hiroshi Fujita
Gifu University, Japan

Prof. Yannick Berthoumieu
University of Bordeaux, France
Parallel Sessions
Best Presenters |
Session 1 | IP0063 | Presenter: Pedro Furtado University of Coimbra, Portugal |
Session 2-Part A | IP0018 | Presenter: Rui Zhang Shenzhen Institue of Information Technology, China |
Session 2-Part B | IP0065 | Presenter: Zichen Gu INMAI Railway Technology Co., Ltd. China |
Session 3 | IP0115 | Presenter: Jiayu Wang Columbia University, USA |
Session 4 | IP0037 | Presenter: Yipeng Deng Nanjing University, China and Waseda University, Japan |
Session 5 | IP0105 | Presenter: Namulun Xi'an Jiaotong University, China |
Session 6 | IP0068 | Presenter: Ruiheng Zhang Beijing Institute of Technology, China |
Session 7 | IP0053 | Presenter: Olga V. Polschikova Scientific and Technological Center of Unique Instrumentation of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia |
Session 8 | IP0100 | Presenter: Emmanuel Luis D. Villanueva Mapua University, Philippines |