ICDIP 2016
ICDIP 2016
8th International Conference on Digital Image
Processing was successfully held in Chengdu Tibet
Hotel on May 20 to 23. ICDIP 2016 is jointly
organized by International Association of Computer
Science and Information Technology, Sichuan Province
Computer Federation, and Chengdu Young Education
Consulting Co., Ltd.
20-22 May 2016 | Chengdu, China
The conference was opened by Chinese famous
academician, Zhang Jingzhong on May 21st morning,
and then Dr. Wang Xiaoyu, executive director of
Sichuan Province Computer Society and Prof. Zhou
Jiliu, President of Chengdu University of
Information Technology delivered openning remarks.
Prof. Zhao Qijun from Sichuan University, China,
Prof. Chin-Chen Chang, IEEE and IET Fellow, from
Feng Chia University, Taiwan, China, Prof. Lin En-Bing from
Central Michigan University, USA, Prof. Jiang Xudong
from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,
and Prof. Jamshid Dehmeshki from Kingston
University, United Kingdom shared their keynote
speech with us one after another.
The conference papers were divided into 20 parallel
sessions (18 oral presentation session and two
poster sessions), and 20 best presentation winners
were selected.
20-22 May 2016 | Chengdu, China
1996-756X (electronic)
ISBN: 9781510605046
SPIE Digital Library
Ei Compendex |
Scopus |
CPCI (Web of
Opening Remark Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences Executive Director of Sichuan Province Computer Society President of Chengdu University of Information Technology
Dr. Zhang Jingzhong
Dr. Wang Xiaoyu
Prof. Zhou Jiliu
Keynote Speakers Sichuan University, China IEEE & IET Fellow, Feng Chia University, Taiwan,
China Central Michigan University, USA
Prof. Zhao Qijun
Prof. Chin-Chen Chang
Prof. Lin En-Bing
Prof. Jiang Xudong
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Prof. Jamshid Dehmeshki
Kingston University, United Kingdom
Oral Presentation Session Photos
Best Presentation Winners
Visiting on May 23